
Student Membership

  • Newsletter containing useful information, news and events.

  • Discount rate for VGANJ Trade Show/NJ Ag Convention for one person.

  • E-blast on scholarship opportunities supporting students studying agriculture in the state

  • Includes 1 drink ticket for Tuesday

    Night Auction

  • One day: $50.00 one pass

  • Two day: $90.00 one pass



Retired  Grower/Non-Vegetable Grower

  • Newsletter containing useful information, news and events.

  • Discount rate for VGANJ Trade Show/NJ Ag Convention for one person.

  • Includes 1 drink ticket for Tuesday

    Night Auction

  • One day: $50.00 one pass

  • Two day: $90.00 one pass


Active Grower


Any grower or agri-business person may apply to become a member of this association. Individual memberships dues are $75 per year. There is not a whole farm or organization membership category. Benefits of membership include:

  • Newsletters containing useful information, news and events.
  • Discount Rate for the VGANJ Trade Show/NJ State Ag Convention for two people.
  • Support of fresh market vegetable research via Rutgers Co-Op Extension
  • Support for the vegetable industry in New Jersey.
  • Representation and promotion of vegetable growers in New Jersey
  • Representation to our state and federal officials..
  • Subscriptions to the American Vegetable Grower and the Vegetable Grower News magazine….and plenty more!
  • Discount rate for the Mid-Atlantic Commercial Vegetable Production Recommendations Book.
  • Includes 1 drink ticket for Tuesday Night Auction
  • One day: $30.00 one pass
  • Two day: $50.00 one pass
Read More


Industry Membership

  • Newsletter containing useful information, news, and events.

  • Discount rate for VGANJ Trade Show/NJ Ag Convention for 2.

  • Regularly posted social media

    advertising for your company.

  • Ads at bottom of our members e-blasts, director’s emails and newsletters.

  • Includes 1 drink ticket for Tuesday

    Night Auction

  • One day: $50.00 one pass

  • Two day: $90.00 one pass



College Scholarships

Professional Research Grants


Commercial Vegetable Production Recommendations Manual

Proceedings of annual meeting


Public Relations programs

Legislative awareness
